‘The systematic stripping of valued roles from people’ by Wolf Wolfensberger

January 6, 2012

Wolfensberger, W. (2011). The systematic stripping of valued roles from people. The SRV Journal, 6(2), 15–18.

‘SRV and teacher prep: Not just a course, but a course of action’ by Thomas Neuville with C. Hannah Smith

January 6, 2012

Neuville, T. with Smith, C. (2008). SRV & teacher prep: Not just a course, but a course of action. The SRV Journal, 3(2), 18-25.

full text PDF: Neuville-Smith Dec 08 SRVJ

‘In memoriam: R.S., a wounded life’ by Susan Thomas

October 18, 2011

Thomas, S. (2007). In memoriam: R.S., a wounded life. The SRV Journal, 2(1), 39-42